Plastic Bag Laws

New Jersey customers: please note that all single use plastic carry out bags commonly referred to T-shirt bags and T-Sack bags are generally banned in the state of NJ. Please consider paper bags or reusable bags to be in compliance. 

Due to the various plastic bag laws in the USA, please refer to your local, county or state ordinance to determine if the bags you intend to purchase are in compliance. We offer many alternatives such as non woven polypropylene reusable bags, paper bags and thick reusable 2.25 mil to 4.0 mil bags that may comply and we can provide guidance if you are unsure. Staying proactive and complying with these bans can avoid potential fines. Please contact us for guidance on choosing the correct product for your ordinance. 

You may refer to Wikipedia's page below for general guidance. Please check your local/county/state for the most current information as the laws are updated periodically.